Your Daughter is Kickass… Make Sure That She Knows It

in Feb 15, 2024

The Story That Inspired Kickass for a Cause...By Sweet Talented Mom

The Chaos Manager

The truth is that she’ll probably never come in first place in a marathon. But if she finishes the
marathon in the first place, didn’t she already win? She likely won’t score a perfect 10 on a
triple axel while ice-skating in the Olympics, but when she gets a single axel for the first time at
the local rink, isn’t her smile going to be worth gold?

When we encourage our daughters to reach for success, let’s remember that no one was ever perfect on their first try. Achieving a goal has many steps, the first of which is to decide to go for it. There’s bound to be many scraped knees and bruised elbows (and egos) along the way. Many miles that she spends walking because she’s too out of breath to run. But, keep encouraging her. Hold her hand, praise her efforts, ask her how she’s doing, and let her know that it’s a process. Suggest that she sets a goal that’s reasonable so that she believes in herself and wants to keep aiming higher and trying new things.

Be instrumental in the journey by supporting her emotionally, sharing ideas, and helping her self-evaluate. Let her know that you think she's kickass by inspiring her to accomplish an athletic goal and motivating her along the way. Maybe get up off your ass and join her. Remember that you too learned to walk before you could run.

Have a Daughter or Relative Who Loves to Use Their Athletic Ability for GOOD!

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