Why I Say ‘NO to Compassion or Love’ for My Creative Writing Contest Use Your Voice for Good

in Apr 12, 2022


"Over the last 10 years, I have created, led, and sponsored creative writing contest in LA...contests have been for kids and adults...I have been fortunate to positively impact lives, and transform communities forever."

Carlos Fun+Advocate Founder

Recruiting for Good + The Sweetest Gigs + Girls Design Tomorrow

Love is so overused...that rarely I see anything interesting or a creative use of the word. Compassion is more personal and meaningful for me. In March 2016, I had the most amazing opportunity to gift a trip with Fathom Cruises; a unique opportunity for people to travel to Dominican Republic, make a positive impact while on vacation (I earned a trip from Fathom by experiencing their trip and writing feedback about how they could improve their making a difference projects; but instead of using the trip, I decided to Pay It Forward and Award It for My Creative Writing Contest).

"The topic for the creative writing contest was the following, “We know universally that the word ‘Love’ can make a difference and change the world; choose another word that can make a difference, and tell us why.”

After 5 creative writing events in March, and 68 entries, two awesome judges; David Andersen and Michelle Hart, chose a winner…Linnea M. Duvall…her word was Gratitude…and this is her inspiring entry:

“Gratitude can change the world,  because as each of us is fully grateful and aware of all that we have, rather than striving and striving for more, we can begin to look around ourselves and see what our gratitude filled hearts can bestow on others to change and uplift their lives. As each life is uplifted and gifted there will be a “pay it forward” movement that can change the world!♥”

Linnea Duvall, a wonderful force of energy, who worked as an anger managment therapist and had a eco fashion business “All our handbags and accessories are crafted by hand by artisans in Latin America, from gathered “rags” if you will: Soda Can tabs, inner tube from tires, and coming soon, a line made from candy wrappers.” 

On the day I called her on the phone, told her she was the winner...she cried...I also paid for her to fly out to Miami from LA with her best friend (another therapist). To learn more about Linnea and our sweet contest connection please click here.

Sadly a year and half later, she got liver cancer...and while she was going for chemo...she told me the highlight of her life was the trip she won...I brought her food to her home...and delivered one of my Kickass & Party for Good shirts to show her my support...

Linnea Duvall passed away in 2018, and to honor her memory...I never use the word compassion or gratitude again in my creative writing contests (for me both words delineate from the same feeling or state of being, you can't have one without the other). I truly miss her smile, sweet laughter, and wonderful stories.

Written Carlos The Sweetest Founder

I'm a sweet foodie, and love to use my talent for good. I self-fund The Sweetest Gigs...I am looking to connect with like-minded sweet foodies who are passionate, purpose driven, and love to make a positive impact in their community too!