Why Caitlan Clark Inspired Recruiting for Good’s Sweet Solution to Support Student Athletes?

in Jul 12, 2024

What We All Want!

Someone to Believe In

Caitlan Clark is a class act, besides breaking NCAA records in Basketball. She has shown America what it means to work hard, follow through, and be the kind of leader anyone would follow.

Regardless of the mean play in the WNBA; Caitlan does not retaliate. She does whatever it takes to be an outstanding team player; supporting the Indiana Fever to win on the court with her positive attitude, assists, rebounds, and sweet 3 point shots.

America needs heroes to believe in...with strong positive values.

Recruiting for Good helps companies find talented professionals and generates proceeds for good causes. We self-fund our own kids' programs. And reward referrals with funding for nonprofits, and to help parents support their student athletes.

We're looking for student athletes who maintain at least 3.0 GPA, have positive values, and participate in some regard in the community.

We help parents (families) offset the cost of equipment, training (clinics, and player development), and travel.

Need Some Inspiration; check out video by 16 year old student athlete 'LoveforFashion.' She has worked on The Sweetest Gigs for three years and Girls Design Tomorrow program created by Recruiting for Good.

Parents visit SupportStudentAthletes.com to learn how to earn funding.