Talented Kids Play in LA ‘Raid The Display’ Party Inspired By 8 Year Old Kid

in Jan 10, 2024

Sweet Inspiration Occurs Naturally

On Sunday, January 7th I visited one of my favorite coffee shops in LA. Cafe Luxxe at Brentwood Mart, and there was this sweet kid enthralled by all the sweets in the display. The kid and I talked, "I said...Can't make up your mind, take one of each? And the kid replied 'Mom won't let me!'"

Regardless of age...we've all have that moment staring at the sweet display...when finally the right treat calls out your name...how Raid The Display came to be!

"P.S. that's not 'The Kid who inspired Raid The Display' in the picture above, its a stock photo from Shutterstock. I did give the kid's mom my Recruiting for Good card to contact me about landing a sweet gig!"

Carlos Sweet Founder

Recruiting for Good + The Sweetest Gigs + The Foodie Games

Raid The Display

For the past four years, Recruiting for Good has been running The Sweetest Gigs. Kids who attend our monthly treat party 'Raid The Display (1st party in February);' get to choose their sweet from the display.

They earn their next party, by doing a review of their sweet treat. Just like in the 'real world;' when you do a great job...you earn sweet perks!

All About The Sweetest Party

Our meaningful party is for sweet talented kids in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Recruiting for Good is sponsoring the party for just 5 kids to give them the personal attention; they deserve...make the experience fun fulfilling and super sweet.

We're looking for kids who live on The Westside (all parties are in Santa Monica). Kids have positive attitudes, hungry to learn, and ready to taste the sweetest treats.

We teach kids sweet skills, positive values, and success habits.

Love to Play in LA! Join The Club!