How We’re Using Recruiting for Good to Do Something Meaningful and Sweet

in Jan 18, 2024

Grateful to Do Something Worthwhile... For the last 25 years, Recruiting for Good has helped companies find talented professionals. Employees have forged life-long friendships and we have positively impacted their life. All the while, Recruiting for Good has generated proceeds to make a positive impact by funding causes. In March 2020, we created our own[...]

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The Summer Games Happen Every 4 Years…In LA We Play Every Month Join The Foodie Games

in Jan 05, 2024

"It took Paris 124 years to land another opportunity to WOW the world at the Summer Games...In LA...we play, every month and Party for Good!" We're using recruiting for good to help companies find talented professionals; generate proceeds to fund The Sweetest Gigs (meaningful work program for kids). And are rewarding referrals to companies hiring[...]

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