Our Moms Work Reviews

I was a a stay-at-home mom of three children for 15 years and the prospect of returning to work as an attorney was daunting on many levels.  After some dedicated months of working with Carlos, I was able to land an ideal job on my first interview which provided the opportunity for me to grow as an attorney while also affording me part-time, flexible hours so that I could continue to focus on my children.  In retrospect, I realize that my work with Carlos went beyond preparedness for workplace re-entry but more importantly helped me understand who I am and how I want to show up, not just at the office, but in all areas of my life.  I am so thankful.
A Mom.

When I was first introduced to “Our Moms Work”, I had just been fired from a job I loved, and I was depressed. Someone told me to contact them and attend a brunch that was happening the next day. I didn’t have the energy to go, but I forced myself. The women, I met were amazing and supportive. We met fairly consistently and were gifted with fun parties that included: pampering manis, incredible food, exquisite chocolate....but, most of all genuine support and caring. As I processed the trauma.....I increasingly felt better with each gathering. I felt the improvement and growth. I’m looking forward to working with them as I determine my next steps in the world of work.
A Mom.
I met Carlos Cymerman at one of his amazing OUR MOMS WORK events, and immediately felt a kinship with him. Carlos has great, positive energy and is a virtual IDEA FACTORY!  His enthusiasm for what he does is contagious, and his integrity and commitment to his clients is deeply inspiring.  A couple of months after first meeting him, an opportunity for a promotion and salary increase opened up with my current employer, so I called Carlos.  I knew I needed his vision and expertise to prepare me to meet with the management team at work and get the position, job title and salary increase that I wanted.  I met with Carlos for about an hour, and over the course of that short but intense mentoring session, Carlos gave me all the tools I needed to get beyond my fears.  Carlos inspired me with the confidence to approach my supervisor as a peer and professional, and get the title and salary I wanted.  Carlos is amazing!
2018...Jane Bolduc, Director of Training & Development