Not All Venture Capitalists are Created Equal…Some are Actually Kind and Sweet!

in Jun 05, 2024

Sunday June 2nd, 2024

The Sweetest Reward Inspired By a Sweet Foodie and Venture Capitalist...

It was 730 am when I lined up in front petitgrain boulangerie on Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica. Standing behind me was a fellow foodie. The bakery doesn't open till 8. Every morning I line up to get my goodies. 

We started talking about the bakery and the treats awaiting us both. We then, moved the conversation about the best bakeries in Paris. Petitgrain kicks everyone's ass. They win both on taste and service delivered. We ended exchanging numbers, and he turned out to be a legend in IT...having started some of the best companies around. I was so excited to just meet someone who shared my passion for food and life.

Carlos Sweet Founder

Recruiting for Good!

He Inspired Recruiting for Good's Latest Foodie Reward

Enjoy French Treats Every Week for One Year 

From petitgrain boulangerie in Santa Monica!

...Happiness is Never Having to Pay for Really Good French Food Again...