Mexico Vacation

Starting in 2020 Enjoy Mexico....

Vacations for Good...Couple + Family

Recruiting for Good (R4G) is a staffing agency located in Santa Monica, generating proceeds to help fund our causes.

  1. Introduce an executive decision maker (CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, or VP of HR) at a company, that you personally know (a family member, friend, neighbor, or your boss) to Recruiting for Good.
  2. R4G finds the company an employee (after employee completes probation period), and R4G earns a finder's fee that is shared.
  3. R4G makes a donation to one of our causes; and rewards $2,500 toward travel (Flights, hotel/Airbnb, spa).

Want to Earn More Hawaii Travel Rewards?

Refer a family member or friend who is looking for a fulltime position in technology. Recruiting for Good finds them a job, (upon completion of 90 days employment); earn $2,500 reward toward travel (flight, Airbnb/hotel, dining, ridesharing, spa).
Email to learn more.