♡ Fashion

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different!"

Coco Chanel

The Exclusive Luxury Shopping Reward

To Shop for GOOD...Participate in Recruiting for Good

Introduce a family member or friend responsible for hiring to Recruiting for Good

HR Manager or Executive (CEO, CFO, CTO)

After a company introduced retains Recruiting for Good to find a fulltime employee

Recruiting for Good earns a finder's fee and then, shares a portion of placement fee

Something Good & Sweet 

Earn a $2500 Donation for Girls Design Tomorrow

Sponsor a 5th Grade Girl's Leadership Development!" 

Earn 'The Sweetest 2500 Gift Card' for Fashion You ♡ Paris to LA!

Shop on Rodeo Drive + TheGroveLACentury City Mall 

How to Get Started?

Email Sara@RecruitingforGood.com

And a Member of Our Team Will Contact You

The Sweetest Fashion

Celebrate Paris in LA

 Made in Italy is Just for You


Appreciate The Sweetest Blings@TheJewelrySource

Inspired By Sweet Designer + Mom Parrish Walsh

"To Support Sustainable Fashion 'We're Doing Our Part' by Rewarding Limited Luxury Gift Cards Every Year!"

Carlos Cymerman

Founder Recruiting for Good

Bags Heels, Jeans, Kicks, Tennis