Love to Learn a Second Language

"I came to the US and learned English when I was 12 years 3rd language (my 2nd was Hebrew, and 1st was Spanish). Learning a new language is a fulfilling experience regardless of your age. So, I created a sweet reward for participating in our meaningful referral program...that is GOOD for You, Your Kids, & Grandma Too!"

Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good

Recruiting for Good Generates Proceeds to Make a Positive Impact

Simply introduce us to a manager in HR (that you personally know), when Recruiting for Good gets retained for a search; we help the company find a talented professional.

We earn a finder's fee and reward $2500 toward hiring a language teacher (or pay tuition at a language school).

Make a referral before July 1st to earn reward in 2023!

To Get Started

Know a Company Hiring Professional Staff? Email Today

For over 25 years, Recruiting for Good has been helping companies find talented professionals in Accounting, Engineering, Information Technology, Marketing, and Operations.

We generate proceeds to fund work programs for talented kids (The Sweetest Gigs); teaching skills, success habits, and positive values.