Learning How to Be Me…Free!

in Dec 17, 2021

Recently, I started blogging about Talentholes...and it began as carefree fun. But as I got more, and more involved in the process (creating content), and coming up with experiences (people, places, things); that irked me. It started to remind me of my father's darker tendencies (anger, and resentment). It started to personally affect (consume) me.

I am so much not like my father; because I have chosen a different path.

I take responsibility for my life's disappointments, failures, and mishaps. I don't blow up and regurgitate my anger and resentment on innocents.

"I am grateful for Michelle Hart, thru her coaching me to create a podcast, I came to realize this truth, about myself!"

Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good

You can choose to be free from your past, by living purposefully in the present; and taking responsibility!

What Do You Think?

Written Carlos The Sweetest Founder

I'm a Sweet Founder, and love to use my Recruiting Company for Good. Participate in Our Referral Program to Earn Generous Gift Cards to Offset The Cost of Healthy Food at Your Favorite Neighborhood Supermarket.

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