Imagine…Kids Love Work

New Kids Work5

How Do We Celebrate Moms...

We are teaching kids how to prepare for work and life....imagine if kids entered the workforce ready to embrace the challenges with a positive attitude, service oriented, where they found joy and self-fulfillment.

The Party is Launching in Spring 2019

Refreshing New York Style Mentoring

Come to our meaningful parties...we will inspire kids to lead their fun interactive ways.

We welcome high school, college students, and anyone who has graduated or not (but is open to a new perspective, and is willing to learn)...including parents too.

Life change

I am Ready to Bring It

"I am uniquely qualified to teach kids to love work, I overcame a speech impediment, dyslexia, moved to 3 distinctive countries by the time I was 12 having to learn new languages, and culture. I started working when I was 14 years old, I had over 20 jobs by the time I finished college. Worked fulltime while in college and grad school (been fired more than once, and came out better on the other side).

I taught ESL in Pre-K, Elementary, Junior High, and Special Ed. Went to grad school to be a therapist. For the past 20 years, I have helped 100's of people find jobs they love, built teams, and changed lives. I have been rejected by companies on the phone thousands of times...more than I can remember...and then, I have those awesome phone calls connecting with talented professionals who entrusted me to find them jobs they love...and they changed my life too.

In 2008...I chose to change my life...feeling empty...I went on a journey to discover 'What does it mean to love life and work' I embraced immersive, progressive, and transformative education to become a purpose driven man. I have mentored women, men, and children. I have sponsored and led community-wide creative writing contests (parties), hosted over 100 parties for women. I have pitched my creative business ideas to over 1000 people (in person). In October 2017, I launched community service, Our Moms Work, in October 2018, I launched L.A.'s funnest cause, 'Helping Fund Summer Camp,' club for working moms, and love life rewards (we party for good).

Founder Fun+Advocate Recruiting for Good, Carlos Cymerman

 I am ready to pass my wisdom to kids in a fun and inspiring way...because more than ever before kids need answers to succeed; 'what does work really mean,' kids need to learn soft skills, street smart, perseverance, patience, listening skills, initiative (follow thru), humility, and leadership skills to grow from within, and find self-fulfillment... together we do work and life..."

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

-- Winston S. Churchill

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