How We Help Moms Save $2500 for Camp Ramah

in Jan 27, 2023

“We’re celebrating Recruiting for Good’s 25th Anniversary by launching The Recruiting Co+Op; that values members who successfully participate in our meaningful referral program by generating proceeds on their behalf to make a positive impact in their life!” Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good

How to Join Co+Op 

Must Live in Southern California

Email include your telephone number to schedule a time to speak with Carlos Cymerman, Founder of Recruiting for Good.

  • First complete call with Carlos; and be invited to participate in Co+Op (serving only 25 members).
  • Co+Op member introduces a company hiring professional staff and can earn up to $5,000 each year or more.
  • Every time, Recruiting for Good helps company (referred) find a professional; and earns a finder’s fee (Co+Op Member earns 5% of proceeds earned, on average $1,000). 
  • Make a Referral Before March 31st, and Earn $2500 Summer Camp Savings Reward.
  • Refer a second company and earn 10% of proceeds from staffing placements made (from both the first and second company referred).
  • Members can create a group that participates together in The Recruiting Co+Op.

Love to save money on Camp Ramah? Participate in The Recruiting Co+Op Today!

Written Carlos The Sweetest Founder

I'm a sweet foodie, and love to use my talent for good. I self-fund The Sweetest Gigs...I am looking to connect with like-minded sweet foodies who are passionate, purpose driven, and love to make a positive impact in their community too!