How to Make The Greatest Impact …Do Something Good for You!

in Feb 03, 2023

YES I Said It...I don't care about Africa

...I care about the people that I interact with on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. My candidates, clients, business partners, kids on my sweet gigs (their moms), members of The Recruiting Co+Op, employees that work at places I visit often (Peete's Coffee, R&D, and Whole Foods), my family, and friends too.

Want to Be Taken Seriously...Have a Sincere Bandwidth of Caring..."And stand for something meaningful to you...or you'll fall for everything!"

Being fulfilled is what drives me to positively impact my community and neighborhood. Delivering a personal, purposeful, and sweet service frees me to be the best me. I don't have time for pretend. When I am not feeling my best; I take a break to care of me.

Imagine, if every person took the time and effort to truly care for just 100 people every year. People they had contact with in person or on the phone...what would their community, mental well-being, and self-fulfillment would be like? Start by being a good listener, asking great questions; and role model the values you care about most (my values are Passion + Purpose + Play).

Want to make a lasting impact? Be the kind of person, people trust (a role model); be of service, be understanding...all the while be GOOD to You!

"I tell the kids on the sweetest are the writer, producer, director, and actor of your life (it all starts with being GOOD to You) the things that make mom proud...and you'll Party for Good!"

Carlos Sweet

Founder Recruiting for Good

Written Carlos The Sweetest Founder

I'm a sweet foodie, and love to use my talent for good. I self-fund The Sweetest Gigs...I am looking to connect with like-minded sweet foodies who are passionate, purpose driven, and love to make a positive impact in their community too!