How to Earn Trip to Party in Wrexham

"We're using recruiting for good to help fund The Sweetest Gigs (work program preparing kids for life).

And are rewarding referrals to companies hiring professional staff with the sweetest experiences to share and gift."

Carlos Sweet Founder

Recruiting for Good

Participate in Recruiting for Good’s Referral Program

Work for a company that hires professional staff? Introduce us to your boss or HR.

When Recruiting for Good gets retained for a search; we help the company find a talented professional

We Then, Earn a Finder’s Fee to Fund The Sweetest Gigs


Reward One Sweet Trip for Two to Party in Wrexham

'Simply introduce us to your boss, best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, mom/dad, husband or neighbor who hires professional staff; we use recruiting for good to help fund our Girl Cause, and reward you a sweet dining experience to party for good!"

Start Today


Must Be 21 Years Old to Participate