How Long Does It Take to Become a Leader? A Lifetime!

in Aug 15, 2024

Want to Do Something Remarkable? Learn to Lead Your Life or Lead Others!

Athletes who compete at The Olympics or as Professionals know what it takes to excel in sports. It's a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly commitment full healthy choices for mental and physical well-being. It is about sacrifice, and follow thru. To be the best takes more than talent. It's a life long commitment from coaches, mentors, and parents who also sacrifice and invest in athletes willing to do whatever it takes. Some kids start as early 3 and 4 years old doing a sport they are passionate about.

The Same Can Be Said of Leadership...A Lifetime Commitment!

15 years ago, I decided to reset my life...having great success in the staffing industry; running Recruiting for Good. I felt disjointed, I lacked purpose and balance. So, I was fortunate to learn about MDI (Mentor Discover Inspire); a nonprofit that men leadership. Over the course of my time with them, I took every training program offered at least 3 times, I took on leadership roles within the organization; and I began teaching the principles (methodology, and values) I learned in the community. I began mentoring women, men, and finally kids. Over the course of last 15 years, I created programs to dynamically improve the quality of life of people in my community. 

Fast Forward to 2020

I am an Expert at Teaching Kids Leadership; creating The Sweetest Gigs, Girls Design Tomorrow, and now Training Girl Ambassadors.

"I collaborate, role model, teach (mentor); the sweetest skills, success habits, and positive values. In the most creative ways; girls discover their Passion, Purpose, Play...all the while have the time of their life. Moms are blown away by the level excitement and engagement their girls experience. It's both rewarding and transformational. Trust haven't seen anything yet! I have created over 200 gigs in the last 4 years; and I have had over 500 kids participate..."

Check Out My 1st Gig

Kids Get Paid to Eat

Launched in March 2020

"I am only interested in investing my time and effort in mentoring exceptionally talented girls whose parents' value leadership development. And would love their kids' to excel in life to do something remarkable. The Ambassador program requires girls who are already learning a second language in school."

"Before I founded Recruiting for Good, I worked as an ESL Teacher, taught Spanish. BTW English is my third language."

Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good

The Sweetest Gigs, Girls Design Tomorrow, and now Training Girl Ambassadors

When Is It Best to Become a Leader?

As soon as you can stand up, and talk, or baby talk...every day, every week, month, year, follow thru to be what you are meant to be...make a lifetime commitment...

And Make Mom Proud!