How 16 Sweet Moms Use their Voice for Good…

in Mar 01, 2022

Over the past week, 16 moms in New Jersey participated in The Foodie Games (creative competition for sweet adults created by Recruiting for Good) ...submitted creative entries answering the following;

Choose one word! that positively impacts kids’ lives. And tell us how.

Celebrating 16 Awesome Sweet NJ Moms

Mindy Matza


Starting a child at a young age with the love of learning will give them a lifetime of success and happiness.  By teaching a child through compassion and time rather than taking the easy route of giving them the answers, will give them a lifetime of confidence and knowledge, for a bright future.    As a chinese philosopher said, said you If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.

Andrea Hersh


There's nothing more important to a child's self-worth and confidence than feeling like her parents are present, focused, willing to listen intently, ask questions, let her know that she is worthy, and available to offer a hug, a shoulder or support. It's not always about what you do, what you buy or where you go - it's about your child knowing that you are there, not only for when it counts, but for the times that don't necessarily seem so big either, when they maybe don't want to talk, but don't want to be left alone either. The years go by fast and we have to remember to look at the big picture because there will always be more laundry to fold, more errands to run and a new television show to watch - but your child will eventually stop needing her diaper changed, an extra story at bedtime, another ride to a friend's house, some spending money for the mall or some advice about a relationship.

Bridget Bukowczyk

My word is - smile.

Ask your kid/kids to show you their beautiful smile. It makes them stop for a moment and just smile.  Then tell them they are the reason for your smile.  That gives them happiness which sticks with them all day.

Melissa Lau


My choice for the sweetest word that positively impacts kids’ lives is respect. I think respect is one of the most important things a person can give and receive - self-respect and showing respect for others. 

Respect teaches kids many things and sets them up for success in life such as managing relationships with others, building trust, safety, and well-being. I always like the saying, “treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Megan Sones


Children benefit from the love, attention, and true presence of adults, be it parents, caretakers or family members. This means truly being involved in small and larger activities and events in children’s lives. Presence does not involve distractions, it’s genuine, can be simple, but ensures that the children feel their worth in the eyes of others.

Jill Sherman

My entry is….. “Kiss”

Kiss positively impacts kids’ lives because they know that a simple kiss, like on the cheek, means that someone loves them. Blowing a kiss, especially in pictures, always shows a smiling face.

Kiss can be expressed by “xoxo” which kids, and adults, use to show love. 

Sara LaRue


"Smile" is a word that positively impacts kids in an amazing way. Have you ever smiled at a kid and seen them smile back? Smiling is the globally used action for showing you care and spread happiness. See a sad kid? A stressed out teen? A smile is the best way to turn a child's attitude or mood around. A smile costs nothing, needs no explanation and can be given with no notice. Smile more to spread happiness!

Michelle Rivera


Just hearing the word hug can already make you smile.

We give them when we greet our loved ones, to brighten someone’s day, or when they are feeling down.  We give them to share in someone’s happiness, lift their spirits, or calm them when they may be stressed or angry.

A hug for any reason can invoke feelings of love, calm, and warmth.

“A Hug” said Pooh, “is always the right size.”

Robin Berger


Yet, a word filled with possibility, hope and potential.

They learn that just because you can’t do something YET does not mean you’ll never be able to.

It keeps them working and striving to reach their physical and educational goals.

Robin Gitlitz

My “impact” word…“Believe

Believe that you can, and you will.

Believe that others can help

and they will

Believe that you can make a difference, and it will happen💕

Shannon Hirsch

1 word that positively impacts kids’ lives is … confidence

Kids need confidence because it helps them get into their own skin and feel comfortable being themselves. Confidence not only in themselves is important, but in the world around them too. Confidence can help children once they are older exceed in life.

Tessa Silverman


is something that not every child learns the importance and value of. It positively impacts children’s lives not only through our interactions with others and hopefully making a difference in our peers lives but also by reaching inward and speaking kindly to ourselves, i.e. “it’s ok to make mistakes” or by doing kind acts for ourselves to fill our own cups. Showing kindness towards ourselves and one another creates a ripple effect and will hopefully be paid forward to make children’s lives more positive.

Linda Silverman


Our emotions are like a see saw - sometimes we are very up or happy and sometimes we are down or angry. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our emotions were always, in control and balanced. We cannot choose our emotions but we CAN choose how we behave- for example while it is OK to become angry it is not OK to hit or spit.

Suzanne Paris


When children understand that you will be fair in all aspects of their lives they will come to appreciate you. They may act positively or negatively at times, but fairness is consistent parenting. Knowing what to expect as a result of your actions requires one to make better choices and affords a greater chance of a happy successful life. 

Susan B. Sobin


Hugs send a positive message both physically and mentally. Children and adults sense the feelings of love, warmth, happiness and security. They also experience pride, contentment and peace of mind. 

Dina Silverman


Kids are very special in many ways.  They are special because they are one of a kind. Children have a special way of being themselves.  Special is also for kids who need that extra bit of help, who learn a little different.  All kids are special they are the best.

A group of moms in LA are choosing the winning entries to learn more visit

Written Carlos The Sweetest Founder

I'm a sweet foodie, and love to use my talent for good. I self-fund The Sweetest Gigs...I am looking to connect with like-minded sweet foodies who are passionate, purpose driven, and love to make a positive impact in their community too!