Grateful to Use Recruiting for Good

"We're inviting companies that love to make a positive impact to participate in Grateful to Use Recruiting for Good. We look forward to doing our part, and together we can make a lasting difference!"

Since 1998, Recruiting for Good has been helping companies find and hire talented professionals they love in Accounting/Finance, Engineering, Information Technology, and Marketing. And we generate proceeds to make a positive impact.

Collaborate to Make a Greater Impact

Staffing Agency, Recruiting for Good will donate 50% of proceeds earned for every search the staffing agency is retained for Between Thanksgiving and New Years to make a positive impact.

How Companies Can Participate?

-Send your open positions.
-Recruiting for Good helps your company find and hire a talented professional.
-Once finder's fee is earned, and probation period is complete; Recruiting for Good will donate 50% of placement fee to designated nonprofit.