Grateful to Create Sweet Program Worthy of LA Parent Magazine

in Nov 18, 2022

"LA Parent Magazine is the Gold Standard for the Parenting Community with 43 years in publication.

Now serving 3rd generation of readers. And I feel fortunate to have created a Sweet Work Program for Talented Girls, and A Sweet Monthly Celebration Mom and Me Lunch Party that will inspire the community. This month I have an article posted about who we are, our mission, and sweet solutions."

Carlos Sweet Founder, Recruiting for Good

Have You Heard of The Sweetest Gigs for Talented Kids?

Who We Are…

Recruiting for Good is a purposeful staffing agency delivering sweet employment solutions by helping companies find and hire talented professionals; and generating proceeds to create and fund work programs for kids (The Sweetest Gigs).

Our Sweet Mission

Recruiting for Good launched ‘The Sweetest Gigs’ in March 2020 with a community project, “Kids Get Paid to Eat,” and hired 15 kids to review the top 100 dishes in LA. And since then, we have been creating sweet contests, gigs and parties too!

Kids on The Sweetest Gigs learn sweet skills, success habits and positive values.

When talented kids are hired for a sweet gig, and they do a GREAT JOB, they are HIRED AGAIN (just like in the real world)! Talented kids use their creative talent to participate in The Sweetest Gigs and earn sweet rewards. Our sweet gigs are specially designed for families interested in preparing their kids for life.

“Kids on the gigs quickly learn that ‘There are NO Free Lunches in Life’…but when you put some effort…you will always Party for GOOD!

--Carlos, Sweet Founder Recruiting for Good and The Sweetest Gigs

The Sweetest Girl Gig

Something Super Sweet is Coming in Spring 2023. Recruiting for Good is launching ‘Mom and Me Lunch’ in LA (a gig that has been running successfully in NJ since 2021). The Sweetest Girl Gig is perfectly designed for 9, 10 and 11-year-old sweet foodie girls who love creative writing, dining and mom. Girls on the gig write a foodie review, and when they do a great job they are hired for another gig. Lunch is sponsored by Recruiting for Good.

Girls on The Sweetest Gig will receive personal mentoring delivered by sweet moms whose kids have successfully participated in The Sweetest Gigs.

Attend The Sweetest Party

To learn more about The Sweetest Gig, moms and girls can attend The Sweetest Party in LA, our monthly mom-and-me lunch celebration to discover LA’s best dining, happening the first Sunday of each month. Moms need to to secure a spot for our VIP party (5 moms and 5 daughters).

Looking to Land a Sweet Job? Join The Club!

Since 1998, Recruiting for Good has been helping talented accounting/finance, engineering, information technology and marketing professionals land sweet jobs. Send us your resume and let us represent you today. Email to learn more about us or visit