Grateful for Men and Women Who Changed The Course of My Career…and Life!

in Nov 23, 2021

When was the last time you reflected on your past experiences, and said, "if it wasn't for him or her, I wouldn't have become a success!"

  1. Alan Gregor inspired me to quit grad school (I was going to be a therapist); and pursue a career in recruiting.
  2. Bruce Flaxman for hiring with no work history of sales at my first recruiting agency.,
  3. Steve Essayan for being my first client, when I launched my recruiting agency ( has been with me for over 20 years).
  4. Vadim Parizher the first candidate I placed; when I launched my recruiting agency.
  5. Aldo Moreno, Former CIO of Herbalife for retaining me to staff almost the entire IT team.
  6. Smith Dunn for always considering me for searches (thank you for referring me to Virgin Galactic).
  7. Aimee Higgins for helping me get on the vendor list at MySpace.
  8. Tyler Townes for collaborating and partnening up on several recruiting projects.
  9. Kandy Adams for being a great friend and recruiting partner.
  10. Allison Marks for mentoring me to be a better recruiter.
  11. Conrad McGinnis for giving me a chance to prove my worth at MySpace.
  12. Ed Ellman who helped me mature and be a purpose driven leader.
  13. Jonathan Rothstein for making me a better boss.

"Every day I am grateful to be of service to all the clients and candidates who entrust me to help them land sweet jobs! I am a better man because of you!"

Have a Sweet Thanksgiving,

Carlos Advocate+Founder Recruiting for Good

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