Causes Chocolate Luxury Shopping

Since 1998

Recruiting for Good has been helping companies find talented professionals

We have been generating proceeds to fund causes and the sweetest rewards!

Love to Earn The Sweetest Rewards!

Participate in Recruiting for Good Causes


Introduce a family member or friend responsible for hiring professional staff at a company

to Recruiting for Good (The person introduced is a Manager/VP in HR, CEO, Or C-Level Executive)


After a company introduced retains Recruiting for Good to find a fulltime employee


Recruiting for Good earns a finder's fee and then, shares a portion of placement fee

Donates to Support Sweet Causes

  Girls Design Tomorrow or Your Nonprofit


Rewards Just The Sweetest Treats

andSons 24 Piece Box Every Month for 1 Year

$1000 Luxury Gift Card to Shop on Rodeo Drive

If You Live in LA...

Earn Invite Only Parties Sponsored By The Rosé Social Club!

To Get Started

Email Please Include Your Phone Number

andSons is a 2nd-generation Beverly Hills chocolatier. Reimagining the experience of fine chocolate, andSons blends their European heritage with a modern, California approach. Their handcrafted confections are made by Chef Sandy Tran (former chef at The French Laundry) using ethically sourced cacao, local dairy & Santa Monica Farmers Market produce.