Story By Sweet NJ Mom, Blessed With A Mess
I’m a full-time working mom of two daughters in the throes of teenage adolescence. There are days when going to the supermarket is a “dream trip” (and, admittedly, I have escaped to Shop Rite on more than one occasion). My real dream trip however, goes far beyond the deli counter.
Like most teenagers, my girls became avid Tik Tok-ers when the Covid pandemic forced us into our homes for the Spring of 2020. At first, I scoffed at the silly videos they watched and the ridiculous dances they were doing all over the house. Eventually though, boredom got the best of me. One day, under the guise of being a responsible parent monitoring her children’s social media activity, I created my own account. The next thing I knew, I was one of them. It turns out Tik Tok is a great resource for recipes and cleaning hacks; who knew?!
Recently, I came across a Tik Tok video posted by a mom, about her favorite place to get away with her husband. She recorded herself walking through a lush, green, property, with palm trees literally swaying in the breeze. I was completely hooked. She took me into a beautifully decorated hotel room, with luxurious bedding and a marble walk in shower. I followed her to the outside patio area, complete with outdoor couch, bicycles for two, and, the pièce de resistance, an outdoor shower and bathtub. It seemed surreal and I was hooked. I didn’t care if this place was in Bora Bora, I was ready to go. Imagine my delight when I learned this paradise is only a 3 hour plane ride away! The property is called The Bungalows, in Key Largo, Florida. It’s an all-inclusive, adults only, oasis.

As a Type A personality who is either on the go, or planning where she’s going next, a trip like this is an exciting, but scary prospect. There is NOTHING to do there but relax and eat. If you’re bored, your options are beach, pool or spa. I haven’t taken a vacation without kids, well, since I’ve had kids. And I haven’t really, truly relaxed for an extended period of time, well, since I’ve had kids. My body definitely needs a break, but my mind needs one so much more. For me, the main attraction to The Bungalows is the chance to see what kind of person I become with days of nothing stretching ahead of me. Would I give in to the tranquility or have a panic attack on day two and go searching for the nearest laundromat? For me, the answer will have to wait a little while longer, but hey, a girl can dream, right?
Sweet NJ Mom Blessed with A Mess, participated in Pay It Forward Story Experience Sweet Mom Trips. And earned $100 gift card for her sweet mom story. #sweetmomtrips #blessedwithamess #payitforward #sweetmomstory #daretodream #celebratescape #wepartyforgood @recruitingforgood