Party for Good at Ashland Hill
Come to our party to meet like minded friends who see the world for good, and travel...If that is you? Then, we look forward to seeing you there. for more information contact
Come to our party to meet like minded friends who see the world for good, and travel...If that is you? Then, we look forward to seeing you there. for more information contact
Do you need something fun to do on Monday? Then, come to our fun Beauty Foodie Party....let's start the week with a bang...participate, earn rewards, and meet new like-minded friends...inspiring people see the world for good.
About 7 years ago, I joined a nonprofit called MDI (Mentor Discover Inspire) on a journey of self discovery. One of the most valuable life lessons I learned, was the power of asking questions. Questions can be the truest form of caring for another person. Questions allow people to dig deep, connect, and reveal the[...]
Want to host a Party for Good at your place of business, school, or church? My name is Carlos Cymerman, I am the founder of Recruiting for Good, and I will drive from Santa Barbara to San Diego to collect entries for this amazing trip with Fathom Impact+Travel to the Dominican Republic. Contact to[...]
I am a technical recruiter, I help companies find professional talent to make business better. Over the last 19 years, I have helped over 1000 people find great jobs. My life's dream has always been to work with Virgin; I love companies that create products and services that make life better for all. Four Weeks Ago My Dream Came True[...]
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou "People ask me why I am doing creative writing events to reward travel? Because, it is fun and inspires people to see the world for good...." Carlos Cymerman,[...]
Recruiting for Good would like to thank Craig Bergman, Founder of WordUpKids for all his work, time, and effort contributing to Recruiting for Good's community writing projects at Olympic High School in Santa Monica, and sponsored creative writing competition in 2015 to reward one kid a Superbowl trip. We wish him the best in his future[...]
Why Recruiting for Good Rewards Creative Writing With Travel... My name is Carlos Cymerman, I am the founder of Recruiting for Good; seven years ago I felt disconnected from my beliefs, my purpose, and feelings about life in general. I was going through the motions just getting by. Then, I hit rock bottom, I[...]
Do You Love to Write & Travel Do Both Happiness is Helping People See the World for Good We love to reward people travel to see the world for good. If you have a group of friends that would love to participate, and can't drive out to our creative writing events, we will come to[...]
Do you live in L.A., are a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Resident, or EAD, and you are seeking a Essbase Hyperion BSA position, we would love to find you a great job and and reward you a vacation in Cuba? Details of the Job Sr. Business Systems Analyst – Hyperion/Essbase Administration The Senior Business Systems Analyst[...]