Don’t Have Kids Love to Positively Impact Their Life? This is for You!

in Aug 16, 2024

"I am a professional, never been a father, I have dedicated my life to run a successful recruiting practice, invested in my leadership development education; and for the last four years I have been running programs to positively impact kids' lives. Thru my meaningful mentoring programs; kids learn sweet skills, success habits, and positive values. Girls excel in our programs and since 2022, I have increasingly focused on creating meaningful experiences just for girls to develop their leadership skills."

Carlos Founder

Recruiting for Good

Girls Design Tomorrow + Preparing Ambassadors for 2028 Games + The Sweetest Gigs

How Tweens Qualify for Girls Design Tomorrow and Leadership Development Programs? 

Girls are invited to participate. We meet them by being introduced thru parents' whose kids have been working on gigs for last three years. Companies that retain Recruiting for Good for search can choose to sponsor a girl for one of our leadership development programs. We create value filled experiences. Girls discover their Passion, Purpose, and Play a bigger game. Girls who are top performers land sweet paid gigs.

"10% of Placements Help Fund Investments in Girls Leadership Development Programs and Sports!"


Leadership Development for Exceptionally Talented Girls

"We only invest time, mentoring hours, and development of personalized gigs for girls who exhibit a desire and willingness to do something remarkable with their life (performing above average in school, are a talented athlete/artist, and have volunteered in the community)."

Are You an Executive at a Company; Love to Help Sponsor Talented Girls?


Know a Company Hiring Professionals? Introduce Us to Support Girls Programs


Want to Surprise Your Sweet Talented Niece?

Participate in Recruiting for Good Causes to Earn Funding

Investments For Art Appreciation and Elite Sport Camps!

To Get Started Email