How to Celebrate USA Everyday? Vote for Her in 2024!

in Jul 22, 2024

How to Unify The US for Good?

It's time for America to choose a Woman President. If we are to be a leader among the world around equity and equality...The time is now to elect a Woman US President, more women in The US Senate, and More Women in Congress.

Even Mexico, a Catholic Country known for its Machismo, has chosen a Jewish Woman President.

Other countries with women as head of their nation (President/Prime Minister); Argentina, Australia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Pakistan, Taiwan, The United Kingdom (several times).

"But sadly, not the U.S. even though 70% of Women vs 68.2% of Men vote, according to 2022 census." 

"On a personal note, I would have voted for Nikki Haley. I think she would have been a Great President and role model! At 52 years old, Nikki would have been able to connect and inspire younger people to vote, and enter politics. America desperately needs leaders who have positive attributes and values (Good parents and spouses). And who respect everyone equally regardless of age, gender, or social economic status. Someone who can improve the lives of all Americans. Someone who protects the right of women's choices. The most qualified educated leader, who can speak with dignity and respect; and who listens to experts and their advice!

It's also a time for a new generation of leaders (younger in age) to get the necessary experience to lead their cities, states, and nation.

Follow In Steps of Successful Business...

"We found five companies that have boards comprised of 40% or more (ranging from 43-58%) women – General Motors, Citigroup, Procter & Gamble, Nielsen, and Merck – and at least one board committee chaired by a woman."


Women represent only 29% (of) The U.S. House of Representatives.

 As of October 3, 2023, there are only 25 women serving as U.S. Senators out of 100 possible seats.

Need some inspiration...listen to exceptionally talented 12-year-old girl...

She works on Girls Design Tomorrow Leadership Program 

And Created This for 2024 President's Day!