What Does Responsible Pet Parenting Mean?

in Nov 27, 2023

What Are Three Simple Rules to Be A Sweet Pet Parent?

  1. Be gainfully employed so having a pet is never a financial burden. Having a pet costs money; feeding them (good nutritious food), housing them (comfortable bed, toys), buying health insurance, providing excellent pet sitting/boarding, and grooming services.
  2. Sweet temperament bring joy and happiness to your pet; and in return you get unconditional love. Creating a rewarding bond based on LOVE=POSITIVITY will extend the quality of life for your sweet kid (pet). And you too!
  3. Work Life+BalanceĀ have the time to truly enjoy your pet's companionship. Go on walks, vacays, and celebrate life's highs and lows together; will lead to a fulfilling relationship. And maybe even find a plus one who shares your values too.

Why does Recruiting for Good care about sweet pet parents?

We're a staffing agency that looks out for the community. The quality of your life matters to us. Whether you are looking to hire a talented professional to fill a need in your company, or you are a professional looking to land a sweet job, or you love to make a positive impact; we're here for you. And by extension your pet is your family member; and we care about the quality of their life too!

For 25 years, Recruiting for Good has helped companies find talented professionals, generated proceeds to fund sweet causes; and now rewards referrals with the sweetest treats for happy pets and human friends.


Special Thanks for Awesome Content

InaMinute is a super sweet exceptionally talented 11 year old NJ girl who has been working on The Sweetest Gigs for the last three years. She created a value filled video to add a positive perspective. What do kids think sweet pet parenting means?

If kids get it...so can adults!