Did You Know Recruiting for Good is Rewarding Referrals with Donations to ‘NO Kid Hungry’ and The Sweetest Foodie Goodies?

in Sep 30, 2023

Love to help end hunger in America?

And party for good...Join the Club!

We're using recruiting for good collaboratively to help fund nonprofits; by rewarding referrals to companies hiring professional staff with donations for causes.

"If you love make a positive impact; fine dine and enjoy the sweetest goodies ...Participate in Recruiting for Good's referral program to help support causes (click here to learn more). We're making fundraising fun and rewarding."

Why Recruiting for Good is Choosing to Support 'NO Kid Hungry?'

"Since March 2020, Recruiting for Good has been running and self-funding The Sweetest Gigs (foodie gigs for kids). We also recently launched Good Food for You (A Sweet Co+Op for Working Professionals); and it seems natural to help a nonprofit that fits with our mission and values to improve life in America."

Sweet Founder Carlos

"Did you know 1 in 8 kids is going hungry in the U.S.?" According to NO KID Hungry.

How You Can Help End Hunger for Kids?

When you participate in Recruiting for Good's referral program; we will donate '$2500 to NO Kid Hungry,' and reward you a $2500 Gift Card for; Fine Dining, Enjoy Shopping at Gourmet Food Store, or Enjoy Prepared Meals Delivered Home.

You can choose to forgo your gift card, and Recruiting for Good will donate $5,000 to 'NO Kid Hungry.'