We are fortunate to live...thrive...and work in the greatest country. Being an American means being on the same team...Our American values unite your part...Join Team USA Today!

Recruiting for Good Created The Sweetest & Most Patriotic Gig for Kids to Learn Positive American Values

How Kids Land The Sweet Gig? Use Your Creative Talent for Good

Kid Attends 5th Grade or Middle School Anywhere in The USA

  1. Write one paragraph (hand write, no typed submissions) about which American value you love most.
  2. Parents take a picture of your kid's writing and email it to, include what grade your kid is in.
  3. The most thoughtful writing submissions will land kids the sweet creative paid gig.
  4. Kids will make an abstract/distinctive drawing that depicts their American value.
  5. Upon art completion and submission; Recruiting for Good will reward kid a $100 Gift Card.
  6. Kids who do a great job...get hired again...just like in the real world.
  7. Kids who successfully complete the gig, can pay forward the fulfilling experience to a family member or a friend anywhere in the USA.

"In America no one works for free...but some of us are lucky enough to work for GOOD!"

Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good