Help Fund Moo Moo Musica

moo moo musica

Why We're Helping Fund Moo Moo Musica...

“JulieAnne Searles, the founder of Moo Moo Musica, has been a joyful community leader positively impacting kids and families' lives for over 17 years thru her fun classes. Now, she is expanding her methodology to impact and transform adult women's lives in Venice, CA...and beyond...We're using recruiting placements to help fund Moo Moo Musica. Join us to support JulieAnne's purpose to spread Moo Moo Musica far and wide...and help transform communities for good.”

Do You Love to Help JulieAnne?

Join recruiting for good, we're using our company collaboratively; empowering Moo Families to help fund Moo Moo Musica's transformation, and rewarding fun for kids (creative education, summer camp, and travel).

How to Help JulieAnne

Email JulieAnne, and we'll make time to meet you for coffee, lunch, or dinner. Discuss how recruiting for good works to fund Moo, and your kid's fun.